What Is A Plumbing Emergency?

“What is a plumbing emergency?” That’s a tricky question to answer, really, but we’ll give it a go. Why? Because what one person views as an emergency, someone else may not, that’s why. For example, even though a dripping faucet might not...

Plumbing Problems That Commonly Occur In The Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and there are a number of summer-related issues that come along with it. This includes plumbing problems. You can have a much safer and happier summer if you know what might happen and what you can do to try to prevent them from...

Broken Pipes Could Be On The Rise

The temperatures across the United States are on the rise, and it’s getting hot outside. Plus, there typically isn’t a lot of rain during the summer, not in Rochester, NY or very much anywhere else. As a result, the ground hardens, cracks, and shifts....

3 Signs That Your Water Heater Needs Repair

You have had a long day working and cannot wait to get back home to take that hot shower. You get home, only to discover that the water heater stopped working. This can be quite frustrating and inconvenient for you. A broken water heating system will also interrupt...